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10" Circle Mask

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SKU: D193129
Perks Members: $9.90
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Chalk Couture masks are an amazing way to use large patterns with sentiments or other Transfer elements for a border effect. Our 10” masks fit an A-sized Transfer inside, or you can choose parts and pieces of B-, C-, D-, and E-sized Transfers as well. This Transfer will block the middle, leaving it unchalked so you can fill in something else.

To use, apply your pattern Transfer to your surface and smooth it down. Carefully layer the Transfer mask over the pattern Transfer. With the two Transfers in place over one another, smooth ChalkologyTM Paste or Ink from the center toward the edges, fanning out around the surface. Remove both Chalk Transfer™ layers at the same time, then wash and separate. Once the Chalkology Paste or Ink has dried, go back and fill in the center with another Transfer of your choosing.